A calculator for BTZ promotions.
Your BTZ board will be
December 2025
You will sew on Senior Airman Below The Zone
January 27th, 2026
If you don't get BTZ, you will sew on SrA
July 27th, 2026
This site was made in the spirit of open source hosted on Github, uses Skeleton for styling, and Moment.js for time calculations. You can stalk me on LinkedIn. Stay cool.
Please direct any questions or comments to: kevinfalting@gmail.com
Or you can file an issue on Github to let me know what can be improved. 👍
Where did I get the information for the calculator?
Well... I read the AFI, yo. AFI 36-2502.
Also, some bases have their own supplement to the AFI, which may alter the rules in some cases. You can find those supplements here. Open an issue if your base uses a different calculation and we'll get it incorporated into this calculator.